
The non-blocking HTTP transport (NHTTP transport) was the default HTTP transport of Synapse 2.1 and all the releases that preceded it. Synapse 2.1 was the last release of Synapse to use the NHTTP transport by default to send and receive HTTP traffic. In the following releases the NHTTP transport has been replaced by the new Pass Through HTTP transport. The NHTTP transport is still shipped with Synapse, and the interested users may use it by enabling it in the SYNAPSE_HOME/repository/conf/axis2.xml file. The sample Axis2 server distributed with Synapse, still uses the NHTTP transport by default.

The NHTTP transport is very stable, mature, and is capable of handling large volumes of HTTP traffic. However, the new Pass Through transport is even more efficient, faster and highly optimized to handle content agnostic mediation. Also, the new transport supports almost all the features and options supported by the NHTTP transport. The features that are not yet supported, will be added to the Pass Through transport in the near future. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use the Pass Through transport whenever possible, and enable the NHTTP transport only if you really need to use a feature that's still not supported by the Pass Through transport.

The NHTTP transport is based on the Apache HTTP Core NIO library. This library is based on the reactor pattern, and the transport uses two separate I/O reactor instances:

  • Listening I/O reactor: Handles network interactions between client applications and Synapse.
  • Connecting I/O reactor: Handles network interactions between Synapse and the backend services.
Each reactor instance uses its own set of threads and in addition, the NHTTP transport uses separate configurable thread pools for processing received messages through the mediation engine. Settings related to configuring I/O reactor threads and NHTTP threads are discussed under advanced settings.

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Transport Configuration

The Non-blocking HTTP transport is no longer configured by default in the SYNAPSE_HOME/repository/conf/axis2.xml file of Synapse. If you wish to use this transport, you must add the necessary configurations to the axis2.xml file. In general, you may enable the following components of the NHTTP transport via the axis2.xml file.

  • HTTP transport listener
  • HTTP transport sender
  • HTTPS transport listener
  • HTTPS transport sender

Each of the above components should be configured separately in the axis2.xml file. Next few sections describe the various parameters that can be used to customize the behavior of these components.

HTTP Transport Listener

To enable the HTTP transport listener, you must add the following XML configuration to the axis2.xml file.

<transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOListener"> <parameter name="port">8280</parameter> </transportReceiver>

The only required parameter is the port parameter. A complete list of supported parameters is given below.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
port The port number on which the HTTP listener should listen.
<parameter name="port">8280</parameter>
Yes N/A
bind-address The hostname or IP address to which the HTTP listener should bind. When deploying Synapse on machines that have multiple network interfaces, this parameter can be used to bind the HTTP listener to a specific network interface.
<parameter name="bind-address"></parameter>
No All available network interfaces
hostname The hostname or IP address used to calculate the service endpoints exposed through this transport listener. This can be used to customize the hostname of the endpoints (EPRs) that appear in the generated WSDLs. This parameter is ignored if the WSDLEPRPrefix parameter is set.
<parameter name="hostname"></parameter>
No localhost
WSDLEPRPrefix A URL prefix that should be added to all the HTTP endpoints exposed through this transport listener. This prefix will appear in all WSDLs advertised by the transport. This is particularly useful when Synapse is fronted by a proxy server or a load balancer and it is required to mention the proxy/load balancer endpoints in the WSDLs generated by Synapse. This parameter has higher priority than the hostname parameter.
<parameter name="WSDLEPRPrefix"></parameter>
No http://<host>:<port>/
httpGetProcessor The full qualified name of the class that's responsible for handling incoming HTTP GET requests. The specified class must implement the org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpGetRequestProcessor interface. If it is required to customize the way Synapse handles HTTP GET requests, one could implement the above interface, and register the custom class with Synapse using this parameter. By default Synapse ships with an HTTP GET request handler that responds to ?wsdl and ?xsd requests and mediates all the others.
<parameter name="httpGetProcessor"></parameter>
No N/A
disableRestServiceDispatching Determines whether Synapse should attempt to dispatch REST calls to any of the deployed proxy services. If set to true, Synapse will not dispatch REST calls to proxy services.
<parameter name="disableRestServiceDispatching">true</parameter>
No false
priorityConfigFile Path to a traffic flow priority configuration file. See the documentation related to Synapse priority executors to learn more about this feature.
<parameter name="priorityConfigFile">repository/conf/priority.xml</parameter>
No N/A
endpointsConfiguration Path to an Axis2 URL endpoint configuration file. This is a mechanism to specify message builders at the inbound endpoint level.
<parameter name="endpointsConfiguration">repository/conf/endpoints.xml</parameter>
No N/A

All the above parameters are also applicable to the HTTPS transport listener.

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HTTP Transport Sender

To enable the HTTP sender, add the following configuration to the axis2.xml file.

<transportSender name="http" class="org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOSender"> <parameter name="warnOnHTTP500" locked="false">*</parameter> </transportSender>

Following parameters can be specified to customize the behavior of the HTTP sender.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
http.proxyHost The hostname or IP address of the proxy server through which the HTTP messages should be sent. Use this property when Synapse should use an external HTTP proxy to tunnel the outgoing HTTP traffic. This parameter is only applicable to the HTTP sender. HTTPS sender does not support external proxies yet.
<parameter name="http.proxyHost"></parameter>
No N/A
http.proxyPort The port number of the proxy server through which the HTTP messages should be sent. Only used if the http.proxyHost parameter is also configured. This parameter is only applicable to the HTTP sender. HTTPS sender does not support external proxies yet.
<parameter name="http.proxyPort">8080</parameter>
No 80
http.nonProxyHosts Use this parameter to specify a proxy bypass list. That is, a list of target hosts for which Synapse will not use the configured external proxy. Only used if the http.proxyHost parameter is also set. The value of this parameter can be a single hostname/IP address or a list of hostnames/IP addresses separated by the '|' character. Parameter also supports regular expressions which can be used to specify hostname patterns.
<parameter name="http.nonProxyHosts">||*</parameter>
No N/A
warnOnHTTP500 A pipe ('|') separated list of content-types for which Synapse will log a warning when receiving an HTTP 500 response. By default Synapse outputs a warning for any HTTP 500 response, irrespective of the content-type. To configure Synapse to log warnings for HTTP 500 responses with no content-type header, use the value 'none'.
<parameter name="warnOnHTTP500">x-application/hessian|none</parameter>
No all content types

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HTTPS Transport Listener

HTTPS listener supports all the parameters supported by the HTTP listener. In addition, HTTPS listener supports several SSL/TLS specific parameters. To enable the HTTPS listener, add the following configuration to the axis2.xml

<transportReceiver name="https" class="org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.PassThroughHttpSSLListener"> <parameter name="port" locked="false">8243</parameter> <parameter name="keystore" locked="false"> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> </parameter> <parameter name="truststore" locked="false"> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </parameter> </transportReceiver>

A complete list of parameters supported by the HTTPS listener is given below. Information regarding the parameters also supported by the HTTP listener are duplicated here for reader's convenience.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
port The port number on which the HTTPS listener should listen.
<parameter name="port">8243</parameter>
Yes N/A
keystore Specifies the keystore that should be used to initialize SSL/TLS support. A keystore typically houses a private key and some certificates with their corresponding public keys. The value of this parameter is a complex XML element. This XML element should specify:
  • Location: Path to the keystore file
  • Type: type of the keystore file (JKS, PKCS etc.)
  • Password: Password to unlock the keystore file
  • KeyPassword: Password to unlock the private key in the keystore file
All 4 values are required. Keystore paths are resolved relative to the Synapse installation (SYNAPSE_HOME) directory. If you are not familiar with Java security and keystores, please refer Java Cryptography Architecture specification.

Synapse ships with a default keystore file. It is highly recommended that a different keystore file is used in production deployments of Synapse, since the passwords of the default keystore are publicly known.
<parameter name="keystore" locked="false"> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> </parameter>
No N/A
truststore Specifies the truststore that should be used to initialize SSL/TLS support. A truststore typically houses the CA certificates and other trusted public certificates. The value of this parameter is a complex XML element. This XML element should specify:
  • Location: Path to the truststore file
  • Type: type of the truststore file (JKS, PKCS etc.)
  • Password: Password to unlock the truststore file
All 3 values are required. Truststore paths are resolved relative to the Synapse installation (SYNAPSE_HOME) directory. If you are not familiar with Java security and truststores, please refer Java Cryptography Architecture specification.

Synapse ships with a default truststore file. It is highly recommended that a different truststore file is used in production deployments of Synapse, since the password of the default truststore is publicly known.
<parameter name="truststore" locked="false"> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </parameter>
No N/A
SSLVerifyClient Use this parameter to enable client certificate verification (client authentication). This option provides functionality similar to the SSLVerifyClient directive of Apache HTTPD. Supported values are:
  • none: No client certificate is required
  • optional: Client may present a valid certificate, but is not required to do so
  • require: Client must present a valid certificate (the SSL handshake will not succeed without it)
<parameter name="SSLVerifyClient">require</parameter>
No None
bind-address The hostname or IP address to which the HTTP listener should bind. When deploying Synapse on machines that have multiple network interfaces, this parameter can be used to bind the HTTP listener to a specific network interface.
<parameter name="bind-address"></parameter>
No All available network interfaces
hostname The hostname or IP address used to calculate the service endpoints exposed through this transport listener. This can be used to customize the hostname of the endpoints (EPRs) that appear in the generated WSDLs. This parameter is ignored if the WSDLEPRPrefix parameter is set.
<parameter name="hostname"></parameter>
No localhost
httpGetProcessor The full qualified name of the class that's responsible for handling incoming HTTP GET requests. The specified class must implement the org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpGetRequestProcessor interface. If it is required to customize the way Synapse handles HTTP GET requests, one could implement the above interface, and register the custom class with Synapse using this parameter. By default Synapse ships with an HTTP GET request handler that responds to ?wsdl and ?xsd requests and mediates all the others.
<parameter name="httpGetProcessor"></parameter>
No N/A
WSDLEPRPrefix A URL prefix that should be added to all the HTTP endpoints exposed through this transport listener. This prefix will appear in all WSDLs advertised by the transport. This is particularly useful when Synapse is fronted by a proxy server or a load balancer and it is required to mention the proxy/load balancer endpoints in the WSDLs generated by Synapse. This parameter has higher priority than the hostname parameter.
<parameter name="WSDLEPRPrefix"></parameter>
No https://<host>:<port>/

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HTTPS Transport Sender

As of today, HTTPS sender does not support sending messages through an external proxy. Therefore some of the parameters supported by the HTTP sender (http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort etc.) cannot be used with the HTTPS sender. However, there are several SSL/TLS related parameters that need to be configured when setting up the HTTPS sender. The default HTTPS sender configuration in the axis2.xml file is shown below.

<transportSender name="https" class="org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.PassThroughHttpSSLSender"> <parameter name="keystore" locked="false"> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> </parameter> <parameter name="truststore" locked="false"> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </parameter> </transportSender>

Following table lists all the parameters supported by the Pass Through HTTPS sender.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
keystore Specifies the keystore that should be used to initialize SSL/TLS support. A keystore typically houses a private key and some certificates with their corresponding public keys. The value of this parameter is a complex XML element. This XML element should specify:
  • Location: Path to the keystore file
  • Type: type of the keystore file (JKS, PKCS etc.)
  • Password: Password to unlock the keystore file
  • KeyPassword: Password to unlock the private key in the keystore file
All 4 values are required. Keystore paths are resolved relative to the Synapse installation (SYNAPSE_HOME) directory. If you are not familiar with Java security and keystores, please refer Java Cryptography Architecture specification.

Synapse ships with a default keystore file. It is highly recommended that a different keystore file is used in production deployments of Synapse, since the passwords of the default keystore are publicly known.
<parameter name="keystore" locked="false"> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> </parameter>
No N/A
truststore Specifies the truststore that should be used to initialize SSL/TLS support. A truststore typically houses the CA certificates and other trusted public certificates. The value of this parameter is a complex XML element. This XML element should specify:
  • Location: Path to the truststore file
  • Type: type of the truststore file (JKS, PKCS etc.)
  • Password: Password to unlock the truststore file
All 3 values are required. Truststore paths are resolved relative to the Synapse installation (SYNAPSE_HOME) directory. If you are not familiar with Java security and truststores, please refer Java Cryptography Architecture specification.

Synapse ships with a default truststore file. It is highly recommended that a different truststore file is used in production deployments of Synapse, since the password of the default truststore is publicly known.
<parameter name="truststore" locked="false"> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </parameter>
No N/A
HostnameVerifier This parameter can be used to configure target hostname verification. That is, it enables validating server hostnames against the names specified in the certificates presented by the servers during SSL handshake. Supported values are:
  • Default
  • DefaultAndLocalhost
  • AllowAll
  • Strict
Please refer HostnameVerifier Javadocs to learn more about this feature and the semantics of the above options. The AllowAll option essentially disables hostname verification by accepting all certificates. The Strict option requires the server hostnames to match exactly to the names specified in the server certificates. Any deviations will cause the SSL handshake to fail.
<parameter name="HostnameVerifier">Strict</parameter>
No Default
novalidatecert Use this parameter to turn on/off server certificate validation. If set to 'true', the HTTPS sender will not attempt to validate the certificates presented by the remote servers. This behavior, however, is not recommended for production deployments due to the potential security risks. If the truststore parameter is specified, the value of this parameter is ignored altogether.
<parameter name="novalidatecert">true</parameter>
No false
customSSLProfiles By default, the HTTPS sender uses the SSL settings configured under keystore and truststore parameters to communicate with all remote HTTPS endpoints. However, in some cases we may need to use different SSL settings to communicate with different endpoints. The customSSLProfiles parameter allows configuring separate keystores and truststores for each destination server. The value of this parameter is a set of XML elements (profile elements). Each profile element must be configured with the following child elements:
  • servers: A comma-separated list of servers to which this SSL profile is related to
  • KeyStore: A keystore configuration (similar to the keystore parameter)
  • TrustStore: A truststore configuration (similar to the truststore parameter)
  • novalidatecert: Optional element to disable certification validation (can be set to true or false)
An example is given below. According to this configuration, when Synapse communicates with or, it will use the first SSL configuration (identity1.jks and trust1.jks). When communicating with, it will use the second SSL configuration (identity2.jks and trust2.jks). For all other endpoints, Synapse will use the default SSL configuration, configured under keystore and truststore parameters.
<parameter name="customSSLProfiles"> <profile> <servers>,</servers> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity1.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust1.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </profile> <profile> <servers></servers> <KeyStore> <Location>lib/identity2.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword> </KeyStore> <TrustStore> <Location>lib/trust2.jks</Location> <Type>JKS</Type> <Password>password</Password> </TrustStore> </profile> </parameter>
No N/A
CertificateRevocationVerifier Enable revocation status validation of server certificates using OCSP and CRL. Simply uncommenting this parameter under the HTTPS sender configuration will activate the feature. Two LRU caches are used to cache CRLs and OCSP responses until they are expired. Two child XML elements are used to configure the cache behavior.
  • CacheSize: Controls the maximum size of each cache. When this limit is reached, the old values will be automatically removed and updated with new values. Default value is 50.
  • CacheDurationMins: Sets the time duration (in minutes) between two consecutive runs of the CacheManager task which periodically performs housekeeping work in each cache. Default value is 15.
<parameter name="CertificateRevocationVerifier" locked="false"> <CacheSize>100</CacheSize> <CacheDurationMins></CacheDurationMins> </parameter>
No N/A

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Advanced Settings and Performance Tuning

In addition to the basic parameters described in the previous section, the NHTTP transport provides some advanced options to tweak its runtime behavior and performance. These options should be configured in the SYNAPSE_HOME/lib/ file.

Apache HTTP Core Settings

Following properties control various facets of Apache HTTP Core, the framework underlying the NHTTP transport.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
http.socket.timeout Sets the TCP socket timeout in milliseconds (See SO_TIMEOUT). This applies to sockets opened by both transport listener and sender.
No 60000
http.socket.timeout.listener Sets the timeout in milliseconds for all the TCP sockets opened by the transport listener. This overrides the value of http.socket.timeout for the transport listener.
No Value of http.socket.timeout
http.socket.timeout.sender Sets the timeout in milliseconds for all the TCP sockets opened by the transport sender. This overrides the value of http.socket.timeout for the transport sender.
No Value of http.socket.timeout
http.connection.timeout Sets the TCP connection timeout in milliseconds. This determines the timeout value for non-blocking connection requests. Setting this property to 0 disables connection timeout (i.e. no timeout).
No 0
http.nio.interest-ops-queueing Determines whether or not I/O interest operations are to be queued and executed asynchronously by the I/O reactor thread or to be applied to the underlying SelectionKey immediately. Allowed values are either 'true' or 'false'.
No false
http.tcp.nodelay Setting this property to 'true' disables Nagle's algorithm for the HTTP connections. That is, outgoing data will not be buffered and aggregated together (See TCP_NODELAY).
No true
http.socket.buffer-size Sets the size of the I/O session buffers (in bytes) used by the transport for reading incoming data and writing outgoing data.
No 8192
http.socket.rcv-buffer-size Sets the size of the buffers (in bytes) used by the underlying platform for incoming network I/O. This value is only a hint. When set, this is a suggestion to the OS kernel from Synapse about the size of buffers to use for the data to be received over the socket (See SO_RCVBUF).
No 8192
http.socket.snd-buffer-size Sets the size of the buffers (in bytes) used by the underlying platform for outgoing network I/O. This value is only a hint. When set, this is a suggestion to the OS kernel from Synapse about the size of buffers to use for the data to be sent over the socket (See SO_SNDBUF).
No 8192
http.socket.linger Specifies the linger-on-close timeout duration (in milliseconds) for the sockets created by the HTTP transport. Setting to 0 or a negative value disables linger-on-close (See SO_LINGER).
No -1
http.socket.reuseaddr Sets the SO_REUSEADDR socket option for the sockets created by the HTTP transport. Accepted values are either 'true' or 'false'.
No false Sets the time interval in milliseconds at which the I/O reactor wakes up to check for timed out sessions and session requests.
No 1000
io_threads_per_reactor Sets the number of I/O dispatcher threads to be used by each I/O reactor. Typically, this property controls the ability of the HTTP transport to handle concurrent I/O events. It is recommended that this property is set to the number of CPU cores available for Synapse. By default, Synapse determines the number of available CPU cores and initializes this setting accordingly.
No Number of CPU cores
http.malformed.input.action Specifies the action to be performed when a malformed input is detected during character set encoding or decoding. Supported values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'report'. See CodingErrorAction for more details on each of these options.
No report
http.unmappable.input.action Specifies the action to be performed when an un-mappable character is detected during character set encoding or decoding. Supported values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'report'. See CodingErrorAction for more details on each of these options.
No report

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Synapse HTTP Mediation Settings

Following settings determine the behavior of Synapse with respect to mediating HTTP traffic.

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
nhttp_buffer_size Sets the size of the I/O buffers (in bytes) used to receive incoming message data and write outgoing message data.
No 8192
http.user.agent.preserve Specifies whether Synapse should preserve the User-Agent header sent by the client applications, when forwarding messages to backend servers. Allowed values are either true or false. If set to false, Synapse will overwrite the original User-Agent header value with the string 'Synapse-HttpComponents-NIO'. http.user.agent.value property.
No false
http.server.preserve Specifies whether Synapse should preserve the Server header sent by the backend servers, when forwarding messages to client applications. Allowed values are either true or false. If set to false, Synapse will overwrite the original Server header value with the string 'Synapse-HttpComponents-NIO'.
No true
nhttp_disabled_methods A comma separated list of HTTP methods that should be disabled. That is, HTTP methods in this list will not be handled by the transport listeners. Any attempt to invoke a disabled HTTP method will trigger an exception.
No N/A
http.connection.disable.keepalive Determines whether the transport sender should use keep-alive for outbound HTTP connections. If set to true, Synapse will send outgoing requests with the 'Connection: close' header, indicating that connection should not be kept alive after the HTTP interaction is complete.
No false
http.count.connections Determines whether Synapse should keep track of the HTTP connections established with target hosts. This information can be later accessed via JMX (ConnectionsView).
No false

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Thread Pool Settings

The NHTTP transport uses two separate thread pools for mediating HTTP requests and responses through the Synapse mediation engine. The size of these thread pools determine the capacity of Synapse to handle concurrent HTTP traffic. Use the following properties to fine tune these thread pools according to your expected workload.

HTTP Request Thread Pool

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
snd_t_core Set the core size of the thread pool used by the NHTTP transport. The thread pool starts with 0 threads, and grows in size as new tasks are submitted to it. Once the number of threads reaches or exceeds the core size, the thread pool will not allow the thread count to go below the core size. That is, the thread pool keeps the core amount of threads in the pool even if they are idle.
No 20
snd_t_max The thread pools used by the NHTTP transport grow in size, as more and more jobs are submitted to them. This property determines the maximum limit up to which the thread pool may grow. In other words, this property specifies the maximum number of threads that may ever exist in the transport thread pool. Value of this property must be greater than or equal to the value of snd_t_core.
No 100
snd_alive_sec Specifies the idle time period (in seconds) for the excess threads in the NHTTP transport thread pool. When the number of threads in the pool is greater than snd_t_core, this is the maximum time that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks before terminating.
No 5
snd_qlen Determines the length of the queue used by the NHTTP transport thread pool to store pending jobs. To use an unbounded queue, set this property to -1. If a bounded queue is used, and if the queue ever gets filled to its capacity, any further attempts to submit jobs will fail, causing some messages to be dropped by Synapse.
No -1

HTTP Response Thread Pool

Parameter Name Description/Example Required Default
lst_t_core Set the core size of the thread pool used by the NHTTP transport. The thread pool starts with 0 threads, and grows in size as new tasks are submitted to it. Once the number of threads reaches or exceeds the core size, the thread pool will not allow the thread count to go below the core size. That is, the thread pool keeps the core amount of threads in the pool even if they are idle.
No 20
lst_t_max The thread pools used by the NHTTP transport grow in size, as more and more jobs are submitted to them. This property determines the maximum limit up to which the thread pool may grow. In other words, this property specifies the maximum number of threads that may ever exist in the transport thread pool. Value of this property must be greater than or equal to the value of lst_t_core.
No 100
lst_alive_sec Specifies the idle time period (in seconds) for the excess threads in the NHTTP transport thread pool. When the number of threads in the pool is greater than lst_t_core, this is the maximum time that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks before terminating.
No 5
lst_qlen Determines the length of the queue used by the NHTTP transport thread pool to store pending jobs. To use an unbounded queue, set this property to -1. If a bounded queue is used, and if the queue ever gets filled to its capacity, any further attempts to submit jobs will fail, causing some messages to be dropped by Synapse.
No -1

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Logging Configuration

The NHTTP and Pass Through transports share the same logging framework. Therefore both transports support the same exact logging features and configuration options. Please refer the Pass Through transport logging configuration to learn more about the available features and how to enable them.

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