Interface | Description |
ConnectionsViewMBean |
Provides metrics related to the number of connections created and maintained by
the NHTTP transport.
LatencyViewMBean |
Provides metrics related to the latency added by the NHTTP transport while mediating
messages through.
Class | Description |
AccessTimeUtil |
Utility methods related to the Access Time
ConnectionsView |
ConnectionsView MBean can be used to collect and monitor statistics on HTTP connections
created by the NHTTP transport.
GzipMessageFormatterDecorator |
This is the decorator for message formatter and it is need because there isn't any mechanism
that can process the message before formatting is occurred.
LatencyView |
LatencyView provides statistical information related to the latency (overhead) incurred by
the Synapse NHTTP transport, when mediating messages back and forth.
MessageFormatterDecoratorFactory |
Factory for getting Decorator to Message Formatter .
NhttpMetricsCollector |
This simple extension of the Axis2 transport MetricsCollector implementation,
maintains a ConnectionsView instance, which is updated based on the events fired
by the NHTTP transport implementation.
NhttpUtil |
A useful set of utility methods for the HTTP transport
RESTUtil |
This class provides a set of utility methods to manage the REST invocation calls
going out from the nhttp transport in the HTTP GET method
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