Obtaining the code

You can obtain the code by downloading the source distribution or, more commonly, checking out the source from Subversion (SVN). To checkout the code from Subversion , firstly get subversion installed, then use the following commands:

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk/java [path-where-you-want-the-code]
If you are a committer then you need to use the secure version:
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk/java [path-where-you-want-the-code]


The first thing you need to build the code is JDK1.5 or JDK1.6 and Maven2 . Preferred version for building the code is the version 2.1.0 of Maven2.

To build, in the top level Synapse folder do:

mvn clean install
This will build the distribution under the modules/distribution/target directory. How ever to build the site you need to execute the command:
mvn site:site
which will build the complete synapse site including the API documentation in the target/site directory

Offline builds

The first time you build Maven downloads all the required dependency jars to your local repository, after there has been a successful build you can add the "-o" parameter to the above commands to run in offline mode which avoids going out to remote Maven repositories. The result - the build runs faster.

mvn clean install -o

Skipping tests

If you don't want to have all the Synapse test cases run during the build you can add the parameter "-Dmaven.test.skip=true", eg:

mvn clean install -o -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Updating Snapshots

Sometimes the trunk build uses snapshot versions of some dependency jars which can go out of date but may not get refreshed in your local Maven repository even when the "-o" parameter is not used. So if you get build failures you can try refreshing any snapshot dependencys with the "-U" parameter, eg:

mvn clean install -U
By default the Maven local repository is in your home directory, you can change this so the build uses use a different local repository with the parameter "-Dmaven.repo.local=", eg:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=\Synapse\MyRepo

Eclipse/IDEA Projects

You can create Eclipse/IDEA project definitions for Synapse (that can be imported directly into Eclipse or open with IDEA). At the top level Synapse folder run:

mvn eclipse:eclipse
mvn idea:idea
Now within eclipse you can import those Synapse projects into an Eclipse workspace. From Eclipse do File -> Import, expand the "General" toggle and choose "Existing Projects into Workspace", click Next, click Browse and navigate to your Synapse SVN folder, click OK and it should find the six Synapse projects, click Finish. That should set up the projects and show them in the Package Explorer. There will be lots of compile errors about missing classpath entries, to fix this select Window -> Preferences, expend the Java toggle, then expand the Build Path toggle and select Classpath Variables. Click New and use the name "M2_REPO" and then click Folder and navigate to you local Maven repository (eg C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/.m2/repository), click OK and again OK and it should rebuild everything with all the compile errors gone.